Monday, November 1, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

SmartBoards for Ridgedale

Hello Ridgedale Teachers!
I would like to use this blog to document the professional development as it applies to SmartBoard training at Ridgedale. I thought we had a wonderful session on Wednesday May 14 and am impressed by the dedication and camaraderie displayed by all participants! After spending just an hour in classrooms with SmartBoards we able to pinpoint some useful ways to use SMartBoards to enhance teaching in learning.

Please comment on this blog to share ideas about how to use SmartBoards and ask questions!

Ways we are beginning to use SmartBoards!
Great Websites:
It's hard to find good interactive websites that are not to complicated or commercialized. Websites you reccomend are:
Harcourt Reading
Math A-rama
Grammar Gold

Notebook Features
Bubble Pop: a fun way to create interactive quizzes!

Shared Documents:
(Stored in a teacher folder on the server)

Here are some questions we have:
How do you clean the surface of a SmartBoard?
Taking Care of Your SmartBoard

Can you open a word document in Notebook?
You can insert PowerPoint, word document, or excel sheets as attachments inot Smart Notebook:
Click on the attachment tab.
Click on insert.
Click on Insert Copy of file.
Navigate to the file select and click OK

You can then access these attachments by:
Click on attachment tab.
Double click on the one you want.

Is there graph paper for Notebook?
Downloads for SmartBoard Graph Paper (apparently you can find it in Galleries in the Notebook)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Art becomes the Fourth R.

Do you agree with the primary argument of this article? Why? Why not?

Please make this posting in our Facebook Group!

Fifth Grade Students Questions

Answer the question you have been assigned. Research the question on the Internet. Post your answer in a comment to this post.

1. Should you put a picture of yourself on your profile? Adams
2. Should you put your phone number on your profile? Adams
3. Should you leave your profile open for everyone to ask for a friend request? Baumstimler
4. Why do people lie about their age? Baumstimler
5. Should you tell someone your hobbies? Bunner
6. Should your parents know if you have a Myspace or Facebook account? Bunner
7. Should you use your real first and last name? Crow
8. What do you do if you think someone has stolen your password? Crow
9. Should you only allow your family and close friends to be listed as your friends? Deacon
10.Should you list where you hang-out? Deacon
11. Is it okay to ignore friend requests? Dickey
12. Is it okay to list my school? Dickey
13. Should you put pictures of your family and friends on your profile without their permission? Eakle
14. Should I let people know where I was born? Eakle
15. Should you lie about your profile just to sound "cool"? Efaw
16. What is an online predator? Efaw
17. What if someone steals your identity and pretends to be you? Fluder
18. Is it bad to add someone from a different state that you don't know, but think you have become great friends with him/her on the internet? Fluder

Product 2: Constructing a written autobiography and photostory.

1. How do you start an autobiography? Andrews
2. How far should you go back into your life? Higgins
3. Should you tell the absolute truth in an autobiography? Higgs
4. What is the most important thing to include? Higgs
5. How would you end an autobiography? Humphrey
6. Should I write about every time I've been injured? Humphrey
7. Should you express opinions in autobiographies? Kopple
8. How should I keep my autobiography to a minimum? Wise
9. Should I write about good and bad things in my life? Leeper
10. Should I write about family members in an autobiography? Williams
11. Do you think the introduction and summary are more important than the beginning and middle paragraphs? Marchese
12. Should you write about how many times I've have moved? Miller
13. Do I write about all the times I've been in trouble? Nolan
14. Are hobbies interesting to write about? Paugh
15. Should I write about the music that I like? Ramsey
16. What are some good describing words to use in an autobiography? Slaubaugh
17. Should you tell about your feelings towards others in an autobiography? Stevens

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Joy of Blogging

After you read the article go to the site named escrapbooking. Find an example of a blogging activity that you would consider incorporating inot your future classroom. Tell me what benefit the blogging activity would have for student learning. Tell me one challange you might have in incorrporating blogging into your future classroom.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reading #2: Are Digital Media Changing Language?

This is bound to be controversial!
dis S bound 2B controversial;)

Do you agree with the primary argument presented in this reading? Why? Why not? Provide specific examples to support your position.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

West Virginia Wordle

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What we know about California!

I had preservice teachers in West Virginia text message to my poll in PollEverywhere two nouns and two adjectives that come to mind when they think of California. This is what they came up with. Fifth grade students in Oakland, California will be responding.

Wordle: Untitled

Here are the reactions to the California Wordle.

I thought this described lots of things that are true.

I think "busy" reminds me of New York, not California.

I reminds me of last summer.

I think they get their ideas from the movies.

"Sand" reminds me of the beach and I go to Alameda beach.

I think they watch a little too much TV because they only take things they see in the summer because that's a good time to go.

I don't know why they put "nose".

I think that they have seen the commercial about cows, we don't have cows in Oakland
I think they left out "cold".

I don't think there are a lot of parks in California -so I don't know why they put that
I thought they would have put "schools".

I think they didn't put violence - because they have never been here to see the violence.

I think they left out "rain".

This made me think that they don't know what they are talking about because they put "orange".

Do they think we grow oranges?

Maybe they are thinking of the golden gate bridge - that's in there? but it's not orange but maybe they think it is.

Why did they put "disney" that's not here.

this made me think they like to watch movies because they all put hollywood.

I wonder why they think it's dry here.

They forgot the Warriors and the Raiders.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Taking the Digital Plunge

After you read Taking the Digital Plunge make a comment to this blog posting that includes:

One thing you agree with.
One concern you have about using technology in school.
The most creative use of technology you have experienced in school.
How you use technology in your personal life.

Please do this by 8:00 am Thursday January 21.