Monday, October 5, 2009

Tuesday October 6: Google Forms & Graphing Tool's

Possibilities exist for creating a variety of online graphics. The Kid's Zone site works for some types of charts (pie, area, line and bar), but what if we need other types of charts such as Venn diagrams or simple line charts? There is help. Crappy Graphics is an better tool than its name implies. While the content on their web site can range from good to offensive, the important thing for me is your have option for easily creating specific types of graphics (Venn diagrams and line charts) to integrate into your teaching and your students learning. I repeat, this is not a site you set your 3rd graders loose on, and for that reason in this activity we will create a graphic on the site, and export it into our own domain (like a blog post).

Review some samples of what possibilities exist (be warned, there are good, bad, and possibly inappropriate). The tool has some real possibilities and I feel having access to it outweighs the possible issues related to public content.

1. Create a survey using Google Forms.

2. Everyone in the left hand column take surveys from the right hand column and vice versa!

3. Create a graph with Crappy Graph and Kid Zone. Save the link (copy and paste it somewhere).
4. Right click on your graph and save it as a .jpg then upload to your blog. You can also use the snipping tool.
Due Thursday 8:00am

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