Monday, December 14, 2009


For your final you take the Self Efficacy Survey

Then fill out this Feedback Form to provide me with more extensive feedback about this course.

We will spend the rest of the class period putting the finishing touches on our portfolios. Here a few tips for writing good reflections.

1.These standards are broad. Choose a specific portion of the standard to focus.

3. Explain how a particular activity helped you develop competency in that standard.

2. Provide a brief description of the activity so the reader has a good idea of the activity before looking at the artifact.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuesday December 8: Blogging with FMS, Presentations & Portfolios

Blogging with FMS:
Check blogs!

Ivy Bartlett
Teya Henthon
Ryan O’Loughlin
Yolanda Rice
Emily Rowand
Sydney Veach
Joseph Wilt
Joshua Wolfe
Kristin Yoho
Ashley Kish

Portfolios are due Tuesday December 15 at the end of class!!!

Thursday December 3: Blogging with FMS, Presentations & Portfolios

Blogging with FMS:
Check to see if FMS bloggers have made any revisions or comments.

Laura Sudlow
Sarah Halbert
Justine Brown
Eric Sandstrom
Tricia Parker
Janet Shillingburg
Dawn Efaw
Amy Phillips
Stacey Patterson
Sheri Gallagher
Renita Golson

Portfolio Example
Portfolios are due Tuesday December 15 at the end of class!!!!

Tuesday December 1: Blogging with FMS, Presentation & Portfolios

Carolanne Caflisch
Calla Rieger
Kayla D Way
Amanda Jones
Kristin Duncan

Blogging with FMS:
Fairview Middle School students have posted new blogs. The titles of their blogs are listed below. Please respond to the blog that your name is listed under.

Tips for responding to blogs:
1. Let the blogger know you connect with their main ideas.
2. Ask a question that will help the blogger clarify meaning or expand their ideas.
3. Model a conversational style and tone.
4. Make only one spelling correction. Provide the blogger with a tip on how to remember the "rule".
5. Do not point out every misspelling. Use the misspelled word correctly in your response to the blogger.

I Think Our Middle School Needs
Carolanne Caflisch
Sheri Gallagher

What Fairview Middle School Needs
Calla Rieger
Ashley Kish

Making School Better
Kayla D Way

Better Stuff for F.M.S.
Amanda Jones
Ivy Bartlett

Wants for 5th Grade
Kristin Duncan
Renita Golson

What I want in FMS.
Laura Sudlow
Kristin Yoho

What we need at FMS
Sarah Halbert
Teya Henthon

Justine Brown
Joseph Wilt

What Our School Needs
Eric Sandstrom
Joshua Wolfe

What We Need
Tricia Parker
Ryan O’Loughlin

What we should have at Fairview Middle School
Janet Shillingburg

What we need at FMS 11/18
Dawn Efaw
Yolanda Rice

What the school needs
Amy Phillips
Emily Rowand

What we need at FMS 11/20
Stacey Patterson
Sydney Veach

Portfolio Example
Portfolios are due Tuesday December 15 at the end of class!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday November 19: Portfolio Final Project

Your final project will be an electronic portfolio created with Google Sites. The purpose of this portfolio is to showcase how you think the activities and projects you completed in this course helped you meet the ISTE NETS for Teachers
To construct your portfolio please use the following guidelines:

1.Create a home page that contains an image and a quote that reflects your beliefs about using technology in the classroom. Click here to see an example.

2.Create a new page for each of the first four ISTE NETS-T. You do not need to provide an artifact or reflection for Standard 5.

3.Name one project or artifact that demonstrates how you have met each standard and create a hyperlink to each artifact.

4.Write a reflection on how you think this artifact demonstrates how you have met each standard and how you will adapt this project or activity to meet the learning needs of your future students (200- 300 words).

6. This Rubric will be used to assess your portfolio.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday November 17: Effective Presentations

Read Brain Rules for Presenters:

My Learning from Multimedia presentation for your review.

1.Create a five minute presentation about a topic you might teach in your future classroom.

2.Your presentation should generate excitement and interest!!!

3.You may use between 1-2 minutes of video or audio clips.
Here is the Rubric.

This project is due Tuesday December 1 before class.
You will be conducting your presentation in front of your peers on Tuesday December 1or Thursday December 3.

Please reply to this posting with your preference of which day you would like to present.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Game Design Work Day

Let's troubleshoot SCRATCH!

What Video Games Have to Teach Us
About Learning and Literacy

What is Gee's fundamental argument?

What do agree or disagree with?

How does it impact what you believe about good teaching?

How can a program like SCRATCH be used in your classroom?

Please post your thoughts as a comment to this blog posting. Please respond to three of your peers postings.

Due Date
Initial posting due Sunday November 15 by midnight.
Respond to your peers by Monday November 16 by midnight.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday November 10: SMART Board Demo

Rachael Fletcher from Farimont Middle School will demonstrate educational uses of the SMART Board and Mimeo.

Thoughts about Blogging Activity by Mary Jo Swiger:
My thoughts on the magazine cover project: allowed my students to have an authentic audience, and regardless of ability, all students were able to express themselves, we also covered several cso's with this project. Thanks!
CSO's used in blogging:
RLA 5.1.02 Use strategies to increase grade appropriate vocabulary
RLA 5.1.07 Use pre-reading strategies to analyze text
RLA 5.1.08 Differentiate and apply comprehension strategies to summarize and judge text critically
RLA 5.1.12 Use denotation to understand meaning
RLA Standard 5.2 Apply writing skills and strategies to communicate effectively

Would you like to try another blogging session between my students and yours? I would like my students to write an article that will argue, defend and justify a "need" or "want" that they feel is missing from Fairview Middle School. For example, "an outdoor classroom"...

Your students would be part of the learning environment by supporting my students reasoning, or explaining some ways to enhance their writing, for example, giving synonyms, descriptive word choices, grammar suggestions, persuasive writing techniques, etc... In other words, critiquing their work in a positive way, to provoke more thought from my students. Hopefully, your students will become aware of student wants and needs in a school environment and also how to analyze writing and provide feedback. I'm going to present this as your students being an "authentic audience" that will respond to their writing.

Provide me with some of your thoughts about the blogging activity. What did you learn about fifth grade students abilities to communicate through digital writing? What surprised you? What are your concerns? How can they be addressed? Did this activity make you more or less likely to use blogging with your future students?
Due Thursday November 12 before class.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday November 5: Scratch & Education

1. Scratch projects should be created by students not teachers.
2. Scratch projects should allow students to develop conceptual understanding of content rather than discrete skills outside of their context of use.
3. Scratch projects should be designed so that students can see the effects of their actions in the physical world.
4. Scratch projects should allow students to represent their understanding of content through multiple modalities.
Language Arts
Language Arts
Social Studies
Social Studies

1. Find a content standard that emphasizes conceptual learning.
2. Find a project that has potential to meet the standard.
3. Modify the project in three ways.
4. Make a blog posting with links to the original project and the new one you created and explain the changes you made.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Magazine Cover

The results are in! Fifth graders voted Starfsu5 as The Teacher of The Year!!!!!
To view results and read student comments click here!

Scratch: Game Design & Education

This week we will be exploring the game design software Scratch.Scratch is designed with learning and education in mind. As young people create and share projects in Scratch, they develop important design and problem-solving skills, learning how to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.

Scratch can be used in many different settings: schools, museums, community centers, and homes. It is intended especially for 8- to 16-year-olds, but younger children can work on Scratch projects with their parents or older siblings, and college students use Scratch in some introductory computer science classes.

Watch this video about Scratch.

Let's see an example.

An example of Science project with Scratch.

Download Scratch.

To get an idea of how Scratch works we will do the Scheme of Six Lessons.
Read these two short papers linked on the Scratch for Educators page. To find the papers scroll Interested in Scratch educational ideas and research?. Read Scratch and 21st Century Learning Skills and Learning by Design

Go to featured projects in Galleries project that might have educational potential in your content area. Here are some place to start:

Elementary Educators
Science projects
Social Studies
Language Arts

Make a blog posting with a short description of a project you would like to create and link to it.

Due Date:
Thursday November 5 11:00am.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Henry Jenkins and New Media Literacy

Watch this video and answer the following questions:

1. What is convergence culture?

2. What are the implications of convergence culture for education?

3.How are schools limiting kids' access to digital tools? Do you agree with these policies? Why or Why not?

Due Date:
Post your responses by Midnight Sunday November 1.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Update for Teacher of the Year Contest!

We have been blogging with fifth grade students. We made magazine covers that portrayed a teacher that had been nominated for a National Teacher of the Year award. Fifth grade students viewed our magazine covers and then voted for who they thought should win the Teacher of the Year of award. Below are their justifications for their votes.

1st place: Starfsu 5 - 4 votes
*He says he can make math fun even if you dont like math.
*I think that you would be a good teacher because you look like your very smart and intellagent in math. And that you have fun math activities so that they can learn and have fun.
*You would be a nice tracher because all the stuff you would do with your kids. I would like to be your stodent. And you are good and cerative. So I hope you become a good,nice,fun teacher!
*Because of thier creativity.

2nd place: Starfsu 14 - 3 votes
*I think this person will be a good teacher, because this person uses music to make math fun.
*I think this person will be a good teacher, because this person uses music to make math fun.
*I think he would be a great becuase hummur is great for all teacher!!!!! It gets the kids intrested in learening ,and when you make it great and fun ways for learning it easier to learen!!!!!

3rd place: Starfsu 20 - 2 votes
*Because she beleaves in learn forever.
*Becuase taking kids to National History Museums is educational
and fun.

Create Your Think Aloud with PowerPoint

Make your Think Aloud for Information Literacy into a multimedia presentation.

Create your Think Aloud with PowerPoint.

Save your PowerPoint as a .ppt.

Upload it to Google Docs.

Publish your PowerPoint in Google Docs.

Share your PowerPoint. Choose the publish/embed option.

Respond to students' comments about your magazine cover on blogmeister. Respond directly on the students' pages.

I won't be here on Thursday but there will be an assignment posted. Please check my blog for the assignment. You can do it at home or come to the lab if you choose.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Online Reading Strategies

Presentation on TrackStar

Watch this Think Aloud

Create a Think Aloud for the WebSite you validated on Tuesday.

Use Jing and PowerPoint to create the Think Aloud.
You must use these online reading and information literacy strategies:

Snatch and grab
Use of prior knowledge of content medium
Identify purpose of information
Analyze Point of View
Assess Accuracy (triangulation, reading a URL, publisher of a site).

Due Date:
Post the Think Aloud to your blog by Sunday October 25 at Midnight.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stargazers & Treasure Hunters

*Make a posting in blogmeister that contains a quote that you think will convience fifth grade students that the teacher on your magaizne cover should be the teacher of the year. Provide a link to your magazine cover.

*Use your blogmeister user name when you make comments so students can find you and reply back!

*Respond to any comments.

*Group response to new student postings:
10/14 How a dirt bike works
10/15 Computers
10/19 5th grade

*Presentaion on Information Literacy: Validating the Authority, Credibility, Reliability of Information on websites.

*Choose a website to validate from this list.

*Use this Website validation checklist to validate the website.

*Here are some resources to help you validate your website.

*Provide a link to the Website you chose to validate and summerize what you found out and the process you used to determine the authority, credibility, and reliability of information on the site.
Due: Thursday October 22

Monday, October 12, 2009

Teacher of the Year Contest: Blogging with Fifth Graders

1. We are going to be blogging with fifth grade students from one of PDS schools.

2. Check your Blackboard email for your user name and password for your Blogmeister account and sign up!

3. Upload your magazine cover to your blog.

4. Enter a teaching quote to convience students that the teacher you portrayed on your magazine cover should be the "Teacher of the Year".
5. Read students' postings about being a fifth grader and make comments. To make sure every student gets comments check the table above.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Media Literacy: Deconstructing Magazine Covers

Learning Objectives:
1. Students understand media messages are constructed using a creative language with its own rules.

2. Students understand media have embedded values and points of view.

3. Students analyze magazine covers portral of the same person.

4. Students critique the individual covers and then compare and contrast them with regard to technique, content, and impact.

1. Show cover of Muscle & Fitness. Ask students:
What do you think about this person based on the cover of the magazine?
How does he look? Chart the adjectives students use.

2.Show cover of Esquire. Ask the same questions and chart student responses.

3. Compare and contrast the two magazine covers. What do you see that is different about the two covers? How do the differences effect how you feel about the person?

4. In pairs create a magazine cover that dipicts a person that has been nominated for the National Teacher of the Year award. From the cover we should be able to get an idea of their teaching philosophy and the kinds of activities we would see if we were to visit their classroom.

5. We will use PowerPoint to create your magazine cover.

6. We will spend Tuesday October 13 creating the covers.

7. Your covers will be posted on a blog site for fifth graders to view comment and vote on. They will be determining which teacher should receive the Teacher of the Year award based on your magazine cover!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tuesday October 6: Google Forms & Graphing Tool's

Possibilities exist for creating a variety of online graphics. The Kid's Zone site works for some types of charts (pie, area, line and bar), but what if we need other types of charts such as Venn diagrams or simple line charts? There is help. Crappy Graphics is an better tool than its name implies. While the content on their web site can range from good to offensive, the important thing for me is your have option for easily creating specific types of graphics (Venn diagrams and line charts) to integrate into your teaching and your students learning. I repeat, this is not a site you set your 3rd graders loose on, and for that reason in this activity we will create a graphic on the site, and export it into our own domain (like a blog post).

Review some samples of what possibilities exist (be warned, there are good, bad, and possibly inappropriate). The tool has some real possibilities and I feel having access to it outweighs the possible issues related to public content.

1. Create a survey using Google Forms.

2. Everyone in the left hand column take surveys from the right hand column and vice versa!

3. Create a graph with Crappy Graph and Kid Zone. Save the link (copy and paste it somewhere).
4. Right click on your graph and save it as a .jpg then upload to your blog. You can also use the snipping tool.
Due Thursday 8:00am

Monday, September 28, 2009

Thursday October 1: Social Bookmarking

We will be sharing and creating knowledge without the restrictions or cost of text books. Social bookmarking is one of the tools we will employ to find a share information.

1. Register for Delicious.

2. Add me to your network my user name is dllb123.

3. Go to my bookmarks. Find the bookmark titled "YouTube - Social Bookmarking in Plain English" We will watch the video together.

4. Add Delicious to your navigation structure (links) in your blog.

5. Of particular interest to me is how you acquire, archive, tag, and share resources that you believe will enhance your productivity as an educator. To do this, type in the key worlds "Web 2.0 education" from the list of returns find a resource that you think may be useful to you as a educator. Bookmark it. Share it with me through Delicious. Make a blog posting that lets me know why you chose this resource and how you may use it as an educator. The resource may be either a learning or productivity tool for yourself, or for your your students, or both.

Due: Tuesday October 6

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday September 29: Create a Student Work Sample.

Today you will create a sample artifact that a student would create as a result of your WebQuest. Please post the sample artifact to your blog.
Due Date: October 1

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thursday September 24: Evaluate WebQuests

1. Using the WebQuest rubric read two of your classmates WebQuests and provide them with feedback.
3. Fill out the form below so I will know which students you provided with feeback. If a student already has two comments please find another student to provide feedback to.
1.Using feeback from your peers make revisions to your WebQuest.

2. Read "What Would Socrates Say?". Make a blog posting titled "Would Socrates approve of WebQuests? Give three reasons why or why not. Use the article to justify your answer.
Use the WebQuest Taxonomy and identify what kind of task your WebQuest is designed around. Include this information in your posting.
Due Monday 8:00 am

Tuesday September 18: Create WebQuest

Make sure each WebQuest has students create an artifact with technology.

1. Use Google sites to build your WebQuest.
2. Set up navigation for WebQuest.
3. On the Home page Use both you first and last name in the title. In the body include the grade level, subject area and standards your WebQuest is design for. Also include which NETS-T performance indicators WebQuest design meet. Also inculde your contact infomration.
3. Rough drafts of your WebQuests are due Thursday 11:00am
4. Please make a blog posting linking us to your blog. Please do just copy and paste the url but highlight a word like "Click here" and link.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thursday September 17: Finding a WebQuest

1. Announce winner of PhotoStory contest!

2. Discussion of what makes a good PhotoStory.

3. For your next assignment you will be creating a WebQuest using Google sites. Read this Webquest template to remind you of the purpose of a WebQuest. You do not have to create your own Webquest from scratch. You may adapt an exsting WebQuest by making a few changes. Click here for a guide to help you make adaptations to an existing WebQuest.
When you have identified the changes you want to make, create a blog posting that tells me what those changes are and why you want to make them. Use the rubric to justify your changes. Provide me with the title of the WebQest and link to it from you blog posting.
Here is a link to more WebQuest Resources.

Remember: Good WebQuest should have students created an artifact with technology (i.e. PowerPoint presentation, PhotoStory, digital book, digital poster)

This is Due Monday September 21 by 8:00am and is worth 5pts.
On Tuesday I will show you how to use Google sites to create a WebQuest.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Webquest: Designing classroom activities with Internet resources

For your next assignment you will create a WebQuest. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. The model was developed by Bernie Dodge at San Diego State University in February, 1995 with early input from SDSU/Pacific Bell Fellow Tom March, the Educational Technology staff at San Diego Unified School District, and waves of participants each summer at the Teach the Teachers Consortium.Web Quests are scalable across all grade levels. WebQuests ARE NOT BORING TOPICAL RESEARCH PROJECTS. They often deal with ambiguity, and always combine higher order thinking and technology. WebQuests are interdisciplinary, often combining Language Arts, Science, Art, Math, Computer Technology. WebQuests require individuals and group members to create artifacts by following a carefully prescribed process that are a result of some information gathering or research on the Internet.

1.In groups of four complete the WebQuest about WebQuest.

2. As a group make a blog posting that tells which WebQuest your group decided was the best and why? Each member of the group may copy and paste the group blog posting into each of their blogs.

View your all classmates PhotoStorys. Make comments on five PhotoStorys. If a person has already received five comments please comment on another PhotoStory. Send me a private message through Blackboard indicating which PhotoStory was the best and why. Please do this by 8:00am Thursday September 17.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Uploading Videos: Tuesday September 15

1.Publish your movie online. Huh? How? Where? you have options, you may upload your exported project (.wmv) file directly into your blog post using the "Insert Video" tool.

2. There are also commercial products for video storage. YouTube or Teacher Tube are examples of video storage services. YouTube is a service that is commonly blocked in K-12 schools. TeacherTube however is for educators and is typically assessible in schools. Please register for a TeachTube account and upload your video. Then provide me with a link to your video in the same blog posting in which you uploaded you video. This lets me know that you have the skills to upload and store videos with two different social media services.

See example below:

You may also view my video at:

"type url here"

Class Activities for Thursday September 10

1. Begin assembling your PhotoStory.

2. To save your project FTP it to your Fairmont State account. This will allow you to download it and work on it from home.

3. When you finish your project, Export your project as a movie. The My Video folder is a good option for storing your work on your computer. This will change your file from a PhotoStory project which have a ( .wp3 ) file extension to a Windows Media File (.wmv ) file extension. Please view your exported project (movie) by double clicking on it. It should open in Windows Media Player.

1.Read "Orchestrating the Media Collage" by Jason Ohlerat at:

2. Make a blog posting that answers the question:
Should students be allowed to create multimedia project instead of writing papers in school (at least some of the time)? Be sure to justify your answer by referencing the reading and the NETS-T.

Due Date: Your PhotoStory and blog posting are due Tuesday September 15 Midnight.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Class Activities for Tuesday September 8

1. Publish resume and link to it to your blog.

2. Watch "Power of One".

3. Watch "Where We Are From".

5. My Best Teacher

6. Copyright and Fair Use

7. Download PhotoStory. Short demonstration.

Project for this week:
This week you will create a PhotoStory titled "When I Become a Teacher" or "My Best Teacher". After viewing your PhotoStory I should have a good idea of what
you think "good teaching" is. Your PhotoStory must include:

a. 5 photos

b. Music, narration, or both.

c. A quote that reflects your beliefs about good teaching.

Homework for Thursday:

Collect a least 5 images and find a quote that is representative of your beliefs about good teaching.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Class Activities for Thursday September 3

In Class:
* Put a picture on your blog page and in your gmail profile.I am a visual learner and I need
something other than a name on the class sheet to help me organize my thoughts.

*Log in to Gmail - go to your blog.

*Watch Video about Google docs.

* FTP a document to the Fairmontstate server.

*Create a Google doc for a resume.

*Add a link list gaget and link to a favorite site.

Homework: Due Tuesday September 9
*Create a resume with Google docs and link to it from your blog.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Blogger's Contract

Class Activities for Tuesday September 1

Today I will talk about the use of social media in society and school. This will provide us with a framework for understanding why using social media like blogs should be an integral part of your teaching practices. We will explore some of he features of Blogger that can help you address parent concerns about use of social media in schools. You will have an opportunity to find lesson plans that incorporate blogging activities and then post your own blog about how implementing these kinds of activities will provide evidence that you can meet the NETS-T when you become a classroom teacher.

1. Read The Joy of Blogging:

Explore the examples of blogging activities on this web site.

Read the NETS-T:

Make a blog posting that describes how the blog was being used to support teaching and learning. Name two performance indicators from the NETS-T that you would meet if you were to use a blog in your future classroom. Please provide a link to the blog you chose to write about.

The blog posting is due Wednesday September 2 by midnight.

2. Enter your name and blog url into the "Blog Address" form on my blog.

3. Link to your classmates blogs:
a. A list of your classmates blogs is on my profile page
b. Go to their blogs and click on the "follow" button.

4. Type your name into the Boggers Contract form on my page.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009


Hello! My name is Denise Lindstrom and I am the instructor for this course. I am and originally from California but moved to West Virginia after living in Iowa for 9 years. I'm enjoying being back in the mountains! I received my undergraduate degree in English for Secondary Teachers from California State University at Chico in 1987. I obtained a teaching credential for Multiple Subject k-8 with and emphasis in Cross Cultural Language and Academic Development from National University at San Jose.

I attended graduate school at Iowa State University and received a Master's of Science degree in Curriculum and Instructional Technology. I'm currently working on a PhD and am in the process of writing my dissertation. My research focus is on the digital literacy and print practices of children as they network in digital environments. I'm looking forward to this semester and learning more about how technology can be used to support teaching and learning!